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Coverage Validator Help

The Branch Coverage tab view displays branch coverage information for each function that contains branches.


interactiveRead on, or click a part of the image below to jump straight to the help for that area.







The branch coverage focuses only on those areas of code which are conditionally executed.


This includes if / else statements and conditional loops such as for and while.


When viewing the source code, only the first line in each branch is marked. This is because any subsequent lines in the same code block must also be executed as part of the same branch.


As with many of the tab views, the display is split into two resizable panes.


the left side lists a summary of the branch coverage data

the right side shows source code for any method selected on the left


We'll cover the data view and its popup menu first, and then the source code view.



The data view



Each line in the view displays the following:


the file, class, method or function,  depending on the Type of the view

the percentage of hookable branches that have been visited in the function


the number of hooked branches in the function

This is not the same as the number of hookable branches since some lines or functions can be excluded from hooking.

the number of different branches that have been visited in the function


the total visit count for all the branches in the function


This may be equal to the number of different branches visited unless you're counting each visit separately.


the DLL in which the method was found


The Branch Coverage can show a hierarchical or list view of data according to the Type setting.



Hierarchical views

A hierarchical view is shown when the Type is set to one of the following:


class / method


file / function (the default)

directory structure / file / function








note For class and directory hierarchical views, the statistics against each directory or class is an aggregated sum of all the contained branches



List views

A hierarchical view is shown when the Type is set to one of the following:


method or function

class or method (ordered by number of lines in file)






note Only the first column in the view can be used for sorting the data.



Unhooked lines


Depending on what file or DLL hook filters are set up, not all the hookable lines in a header file may attempt to be hooked.


Only those that are actually used (e.g. via macros or inlines) in the program may actually be hooked.


note By default, lines that could not be hooked don't stop the coverage from reaching 100%, but you can change this.


In this example below, the instrumentation level was set low ('incomplete but faster') to force significant numbers of unhooked lines.





Line colours


Each line of data in any of the views is colour coded to indicate one of the following:


the function has not had any branches visited at all



some but not all branches in the function have been visited



every hookable branch in the function has been visited, i.e. 100% file coverage





no branches in the function could be hooked



note Unhookable branches are likely when the instrumentation level is set low, for example 'incomplete but faster'.




Scrollbar visualisations


To the right of each pane, beside the vertical scrollbars, you'll see a coloured area which represents the coverage.


As with the scrollbar visualisation in the Coverage tab, the bar in the left hand pane shows an overall view of the coverage distribution across every function listed.


However, because branch coverage is broken down to the function level, selecting a function in the left hand pane will only highlight branches in the source code view for that function.




Branch coverage options


The branch coverage controls are shown below.





Window orientation


The horizontal or vertical orientation of the statistics and source code panes can be toggled with the orientation button.


coverageOrientationVert        coverageOrientationHoriz



Updating the display


Refresh instructionStep updates the display - as does the refresh button on the Tools menu and toolbar




View type


Changing the Type alters the view to one of the hierarchical or list views described earlier.


By Class instructionStep shows a hierarchical C++ class / method view


By Function Name instructionStep shows a list of all functions sorted by name


By Directory instructionStep shows a hierarchical view of directory / file / function


By File instructionStep shows a hierarchical file / function view


By Number of Lines instructionStep shows a list of classes or methods ordered by number of lines in file


note Each view shows the same overall data, just in different arrangements



Sort order


Descending instructionStep reverses the direction of the data, sorted by the names in first column



Expanding and collapsing the data



Expand All / Collapse All instructionStep switches any hierarchical view between collapsed and expanded view


Collapsed instructionStep sets the preferred state of the view when the data is refreshed


This includes when you change some of the other display settings.



Display settings


Display... instructionStep displays the branch display settings dialog




Highlight unvisited lines instructionStep highlights rows for branches that have not been visited (on by default)


If switched off, unvisited lines appear white - or whatever colour you've set as the unselected colour.


Show unhooked functions instructionStep display information about functions that could not be hooked (off by default)


This means unhookable lines, for example lines that were too short, rather than lines or functions that are deliberately set not to be hooked.



File list menu optionsright_mouse_button


The following popup menu is available over the data area to add filters, edit code, or expand and collapse the view.





right_mouse_buttonMenu options: Instrumentation Filter


The instrumentation filter lets you add filters at different levels of granularity:




Exclude Filename instructionStep adds a new filter to the Source Files Filter settings, excluding it from the results of subsequent sessions

Exclude Directory instructionStep excludes all files in the same directory as the selected file

From the sub menu, choose the directory level at which you want to exclude files, right up to the drive specifier if you need to.




Exclude DLL instructionStep excludes all files belonging to the same executable or DLL as the selected file

This adds a filter to the Hooked DLLs settings.



The other options all add a filter to the Class and function filter settings


Filter By Class instructionStep excludes all functions in the selected class

Example filter: CTeststakDoc::


Filter By Class And Method instructionStep excludes only the selected class functions

Example filter: CTeststakDoc::OnNewDocument


Filter By Method instructionStep excludes only the selected method, whether in a class or the global namespace

Example filter: OnNewDocument



note Filters become effective at the start of the next session. Adding a filter during a session will show the relevant rows in grey so that you can see which files would be filtered, but the coverage results will continue to be included for the rest of the current session.



right_mouse_buttonMenu option: editing source code


Edit Source Code... instructionStep opens the default or preferred editor to edit the source code



right_mouse_buttonMenu options: collapse / expand trace


Expand or Collapse Entry instructionStep shows and hides the selected section in the view, the same as using the expand-symbol or collapse-symbolbuttons


Collapse All instructionStep completely collapses all sections


Expand All instructionStep expands all the sections



The branch source code view


Clicking on a function in the left hand panel, shows that file and function in the source code view on the right.


The source code uses syntax highlighting by default, with the background colour of the line indicating if the branch line has been visited, is unvisited or could not be hooked.


Icons are displayed next to hooked and unhooked branch lines indicating visit and hook status and visit counts are shown in-line with the code.


Hovering over a line for a short period of time shows a tooltip with the number of visits to the line.


Contiguous groups of lines can be collapsed and hidden from view.



Source code branch information


On the right hand panel, above the source code, you'll find some information about branches in the selected function in the source file





The details shown include the following:


'quick view' details for visited and unvisited branches in the function, pink for unvisited, light green for partial visited, and dark green for 100% visited

tab-branch-coverage-file-info-dial           tab-branch-coverage-file-info-dial-covered



the source code filename and the executable or DLL to which it belongs



the same branch statistics as seen in the left hand panel




Browsing visited and unvisited lines


next-unvisted instructionStep show the previous and next unvisited branch in the function

b_f7 and b_shift + b_f7 also navigate forwards and backwards when the source code has focus.

next-visited instructionStep show previous and next visited branch in the function

The arrows are grey when disabled.


b_f8 and b_shift + b_f8 also navigate forwards and backwards through the visited lines.



Line instructionStep step by individual lines of code

Group instructionStep step by groups of contiguous visited or unvisited lines



Keyboard access: Find and Goto


When the data view or the source code view has focus, some keyboard access is available to search for text, or to navigate to numbered lines.



Find text in data view


In the data view, b_ctrl + b_f displays a dialog that will allow you to search by full or partial match for text in the first column - the contents of which depends on the Type setting.





Find text in source view


In the source code view b_ctrl + b_f lets you search by full or partial match anywhere in the file.





Goto line


In the source code view, b_ctrl + b_g displays a goto-line dialog.



