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The Callstack tab allows you to specify how the callstack is collected, and how information about the callstack is displayed.




Callstack Monitoring


When Thread Validator stub collects callstacks for each hooked function, the stack traces can be very long.


Collecting longer stack traces means:


collecting stack traces takes longer

converting all the addresses in the stack trace to symbol names takes more time


the target program runs slower


more memory is consumed in the Thread Validator user interface


For this reason, you're able to specify whether you want complete or partial stack traces.



Collect complete call stack instructionStep check for complete traces, uncheck to collect partial traces


 Specify the exact depth you wish to capture with the Call stack depth option



Callstack Display


Data items recorded by Thread Validator can be displayed with parameter names as well as being automatically expanded.


Show parameter names instructionStep check to show parameter names shown with the function name

Expand call stack when trace expanded instructionStep check to automatically expand the entire callstack when examining a data item


Advanced Callstack


As the title suggests, these callstack options are advanced and not usually necessary to change unless you are experiencing incomplete stack traces.


Thread Validator collects callstacks by walking along the stack frames. When no more stack frames can be walked, Thread Validator uses DbgHelp StackWalk() to attempt to walk any remaining stack frames.


StackWalk() is much slower than Thread Validator's direct stack walking. Calling StackWalk() to attempt to walk any remaining stack frames may not result in any extra stack frames being walked, but will result in slower execution of your application.


On the other hand, not using StackWalk() may result in shorter callstacks being collected.


When walking callstack, do not use StackWalk... instructionStep prevent Thread Validator using StackWalk()


You may have problems collecting some callstacks in release mode programs, and in some special cases in debug programs depending on your program.

In addition to the optimisation described above, Thread Validator provides three different methods of collecting callstacks for functions. These methods are in the Advanced section described below and are provided to allow you to tailor callstack collection to the task at hand.



As the title below suggests, the remaining options are for advanced use! An example might be if you find your program has a problem that can be identified, but for which the callstack cannot be collected properly.



Advanced callstack settings


Callstack walk helper size instructionStep Specify the size of the cache used to optimize callstack walking


Thread Validator uses a cache to help it optimize the callstack walking process. The cache is used to avoid calling operating system functions to walk the callstack when the result has been previously calculated.
For applications generating many unique callstacks, this size may need to be increased.
All sizes are prime numbers, and the default size is 100003 which is large enough for most applications. If in doubt leave it at the default value of 100003



Callstack walking


Thread Validator provides three different methods of collecting callstacks for functions which you can choose to tailor callstack collection to the task at hand.



1) The standard Microsoft® DbgHelp StackWalk() function


This function is optimised for walking standard Intel i386 stack frames where the EBP register is pushed on to the stack at function entry and popped from the stack when the function exits. This is the typical stack frame for a program built in debug mode.


The DbgHelp StackWalk() function is also capable of reading frame pointer omission data (FPO_DATA) included in a PE file. FPO_DATA is included in optimised binaries that do not use the EBP register to identify the stack frame - this is typical of a program built in release mode.


doc-expand-icon        Missing data in your callstack?  Although Microsoft have provided a very capable stack walking function, there are occasions when the StackWalk() function cannot continue walking along the stack, from one frame pointer to the next. When this happens collected stack traces often appear to have data missing, or look "too short". You may have noticed this when debugging release mode programs in Visual Studio®.



2) Alternative (custom) StackWalk() function


This proprietary method, although slower than Microsoft's stack walker, does not use stack frames to walk the stack, and so enables the stack walker to walk callstacks that DbgHelp StackWalk() cannot.


doc-expand-icon        What's different about this method?  A detailed technical discussion of how this algorithm works is not appropriate here, but suffice to say that all addresses found on the stack are checked for validity, both for code sections, likelihood of CALL instruction taking place, target and source addresses of CALL instructions, removal of duplicate data, and so forth. The resulting callstacks often contain some bogus stack entries, which are obvious to the end user, but not possible to detect by the callstack verification algorithm (this is often due to CALL instructions relying on indirect indexes held in registers which have been changed by the time the stack walker has walked to this point in the callstack - such entries must be taken at face value because they may be valid).



3) Hybrid of the two


The third stack walk type is a hybrid of the other two.


The first method is used to collect all callstacks. Any callstacks that are too short (defined by a callstack length threshold) then have the callstack collected by the second method.


This provides the speed and power of the standard Microsoft stack walker, with the flexibility to collect callstacks that would otherwise be uncollectible when DbgHelp StackWalk() fails to collect the callstack.



The Advanced Stack Walk dialog shown below is accessed via the Advanced... button and is used to choose one of the three callstack collection options above:





DbgHelp StackWalk instructionStep use the DbgHelp.dll StackWalk() function to walk all callstacks


You may have problems collecting some callstacks in release mode programs, and in some special cases in debug programs depending on your program.

Alternative StackWalk instructionStep use the alternative stack walking function to walk all callstacks


All callstacks will be collected in both debug and release mode programs, but you may find that some callstacks contain incorrect entries.


Hybrid StackWalk instructionStep use the hybrid method outline above


When the alternative stack walk is used you may find that some callstacks contain incorrect entries.
To specify when to use the alternative stack walking function, set a callstack depth.

Any standard callstacks that are shorter than the depth specified, will be collected using the alternative stack walking function.


seeAlsoSee also - recommended usage below



Alternative stack walk method - fast or slow?


When using alternative stack walk, use fast option instructionStep uses a faster address verification scheme (recommended) or a slower one


Do extra consistency checks instructionStep When using the fast option, consistency checks can optionally be performed (recommended) to reduce the amount of incorrect addresses included in the callstack.


Alternative stack walk method - range of relative addresses


When the alternative stack walk is used, relative address CALL instructions have their target address computed to test if the target address is within a threshold of the previous callstack address.


This provides a form of source address to target address integrity to prevent invalid addresses be placed in the callstack.


Relative CALL instruction byte range instructionStep set the threshold which the target address must be within, to fine tune the stack walk

A larger threshold reduces the accuracy of the stack walk by allowing too many invalid addresses into the stack.

A smaller threshold reduces the accuracy of the stack walk by rejecting valid addresses from being placed in the callstack.
The default is a reasonably large 8192 bytes.



Alternative stack walk method - caveats


When the alternative stack walk is used you may notice some unusual data on the display:


<UNKNOWN> symbols in the middle of call stacks

This happens rarely, because the address is not valid but for some reason was not rejected by the alternative stack walk.

Symbols in the middle of callstacks that you know cannot be correct


This may happen because the address is valid, but not for this position in the callstack, and the address passed the alternative stack walk address verification tests - this address was most probably the target of an indirect CALL instruction, and as such, could not be verified.

Callstacks for data that make no sense


This again is rare, but occurs due to Thread Validator monitoring its own behaviour (which can happen in a few limited circumstances). These callstacks are filtered in both stack walk methods, correctly in the standard one, but not perfectly in the alternative method!



Recommend usage


We recommend that in all situations the stack walking method used is either DbgHelp StackWalk or Hybrid StackWalk.


Only if you find your program has a problem that can be identified, but for which the callstack cannot be collected, do we recommend using Hybrid StackWalk or Alternative StackWalk as appropriate.





The Advanced Stack Walk dialog has a button labeled Reset at the bottom left of the dialog. This resets only the settings on this dialog back to their default values.



Reset All - Resets all global settings, not just those on the current page.



Reset - Resets the settings on the current page.