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Coverage Validator Help


Finding lines by object types


Using the Find Line by C++ Object Type dialog below, you can search for lines belonging to a C++ object type in a similar way to finding addresses.


To show the dialog, choose the menu option below:


menu Query menu instructionStep choose Query Object... instructionStep displays the Find Line by C++ Object Type dialog


Or use the following icon on the Query Toolbar.








Search criteria


Just choose the object type for which you want to find related lines.


Object type instructionStep choose the data-type of the objects you're interested in


The class names that Coverage Validator uses are taken from the list of functions that are hooked by Coverage Validator.



Query results


Query instructionStep performs the search

The search results are added to the File list in the dialog.


Clear instructionStep clears all the results from the list

The results are not automatically cleared with each search, allowing you to accumulate searches of multiple object types.


You can expand the search results, and double click the data items to edit source code in your preferred editor.


The results are displayed as a tree of files, functions and lines, as in the example below.

