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Visual Studio Project Builder Help

Build Order




Do not sort projects.




Sort projects to optimize the project build order.




Sort projects by project name.




Sort projects by project file name.







Build all enabled projects.








Rebuild all enabled projects.








Clean all enabled projects.








Touch all source files, resource files and header files in all projects.








Specify the Visual Studio project to build.


If the name contains spaces, it should be quoted.




/buildProject e:\om\c\testApps\testApps.vcxproj


/buildProject "e:\om\c\dev workspace\testApps.vcxproj"



Related options


This option is best used with /loadSettings to load the settings you wish to use to build the solution, or with /resetSettings to use the default settings to build the solution.


Alternatively you can specify individual project file types to build in the project:











Batch file usage


start /wait "Build TestApps" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Visual Studio Project Builder\visualStudioProjectBuilder.exe" /resetSettings /buildProject "e:\om\c\testApps\testApps.vcxproj"


This line in the batch file does this:


starts Visual Studio Project Builder

resets the settings to the default

loads e:\om\c\testApps\testApps.vcxproj

builds all configurations of the project (which configurations are controlled by the settings - you can change this by using /loadSettings)

closes Visual Studio Project Builder

the batch file waits for Visual Studio Project Builder before executing the next statement in the batch file