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Thread Validator Help

The Coverage tab lets you find untested parts of your program's thread synchronization code.


If the Coverage tab isn't visible, use the Data Views menu to set which views are shown.


interactiveRead on, or click a part of the image below to jump straight to the help for that area.





Using the coverage information


Inspecting the coverage tells you which thread synchronization locations are or are not being tested.


Understanding the thread coverage helps you plan and improve your regression tests to include areas of code that perform thread synchronization but are not yet being visited.


The display shows two resizable panes, one with the coverage data, and the other shows source code when you click on a row in the table.


note In order to gather coverage statistics, you'll need to switch on the thread coverage setting, otherwise you'll just see the reminders below:





Colours used in the displays


Each file's row is coloured according to whether it has:


objects-colours-red  no lines visited

objects-colours-yellow  some lines visited

objects-colours-light-blue  all lines visited

objects-colours-light-gray  been filtered out for subsequent sessions (see below)


The % Visited column and the source code view uses the following colours:


objects-colours-light-green  for the percentage of lines visited, or visited lines of source code

objects-colours-light-blue  for unvisited lines



Coverage data


The data in each column is summarised below



Num Lines

Num Visited

Visit Count

% Visited


the statistics are gathered for each source code file found  

number of lines in each file that allocate, reallocate or free memory and handles

the number of those lines that have been visited

total number of visits to those lines

the percentage of relevant lines visited (Num Visited / Num Lines)

the DLL responsible for the file


The Visit Count may be equal to the Num Visited if you have opted to keep the default thread coverage setting of counting visits to each allocation only once. You can change this setting on the fly to start counting multiple visits right away.


At the top of the table is a Totals line showing combined results for all files.


note The statistics here only cover lines that affect thread synchronization, unlike SoftwareVerify's sister tool C++ Coverage ValidatorexternalLink which determines complete code coverage.



Sorting columns


Sorted columns are highlighted yellow in the table header. Click on the header to change the sorting column or its sort direction order.



Source code view


The source code view is syntax-highlighted with green visited and pale red unvisited lines.


The columns at the left show line numbers (in black) and visit counts (blue) for each thread synchronization line. Visit counts are also available via a tooltip.





Coverage options


interactiveThe following controls are displayed to the left of the coverage results







Unwanted results in the coverage can be excluded via the filters according to filename, directory or DLL.


Filters can be managed in the filters dialog or added via the menu options right_mouse_buttonbelow.


Filters... instructionStep shows the Thread Coverage Filters dialog


The filters dialog is the same one as found on the thread coverage page of the global settings dialog where it is described in detail.



Window orientation


The data and source code panes can be arranged horizontally or vertically with the orientation button.


 coverageOrientationVert        coverageOrientationHoriz



Updating the display


Update Interval (s) instructionStep automatically updates the display at your choice of interval between 0.1 and 60 seconds - or not at all!


Adjust this depending on the complexity of your application.


Refresh instructionStep updates the display - as does the refresh button on the Tools menu and toolbar, and the button on the popup menu


With an update interval set to No Update, you'll need to use this Refresh button to update the display when you wish.



Display settings


On the Coverage tab, there's only the one display option:


Show Path instructionStep shows the short file name or the longer file path in the File column of the data



Coverage view popup menuright_mouse_button


The following popup menu is available over the data area to add filters, refresh the view or edit source code.





right_mouse_buttonMenu options: Filtering coverage


The first three menu options let you add filters at different levels of granularity.


note Filters become effective at the start of the next session. Adding a filter during a session will show the row in grey so that you can see which files are filtered, but the coverage results will continue to be included for the rest of the session.


Filter coverage data by filename instructionStep adds a new filter to the Filters dialog, excluding the selected file from the results of a subsequent session

Filter coverage data by directory instructionStep excludes all files in the same directory as the selected file


Filter coverage data by DLL instructionStep excludes all files belonging to the same DLL as the selected file



right_mouse_buttonMenu option: Refresh


Refresh... instructionStep updates the statistics displayed in the table



right_mouse_buttonMenu option: Editing source code


Edit Source Code... instructionStep opens the default or preferred editor to edit the source code