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Command Line Interface

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Bug Validator provides a command line interface to allow you to perform automated critical section data collection.


To run 32 bit bug validator run C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Bug Validator x86\bugValidator.exe



Command line argument usage


There are a few basic rules to remember when using the command line arguments:


separate arguments by spaces

quote arguments if they contain spaces

some arguments are only useful in conjunction with others

some arguments are incompatible with others


If your command line is very long, consider using -commandFile to specify a command file for your arguments.



Unrecognised arguments


Any unrecognised arguments found on the command line are simply ignored, whether or not they are prefixed with a hyphen.


Arguments intended for your program will not conflict with the Bug Validator arguments in this manual as you should use -arg (or -allArgs) to redirect them to your program.



Need some help building the command line?


If you find creating command lines from nothing to be a bit daunting we've created a Command Line Builder tool to help you build command lines.


You'll still need to complete some details, but the builder will help prevent you making some mistakes.