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Native API

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The Thread Validator API


There are some features of Thread Validator that are useful to call directly from your program, including tracking of memory in custom heap managers.


Thread Validator has an API that makes this possible; just include svlTVAPI.c and svlTVAPI.h to your codebase. There is no library to link to, dlls to copy.



Source files


The source files can be found in the API directory in the Thread Validator install directory.





Just add these files to your project and build.
If you are using precompiled headers you will need to disable them for svlTVAPI.c.



Working with services?


If you are working with services you to attach Thread Validator to a service and to start Thread Validator, you should use the NT Service API, not the functions in this API.


All the other functions in this API can be used with applications and with services.



Unicode or ANSI?


All the API functions are provided in Unicode and ANSI variants where strings are used. We've also provided a character width neutral #define in the same fashion that the Windows.h header files do.


For example the function for naming a heap is provided as tvSetThreadNameA(), tvSetThreadNameW() with the character width neutral tvSetThreadName() mapping to tvSetThreadNameW() for unicode and tvSetThreadNameA() for ANSI.


In this document we're going to use TCHAR like the Window.h header files do.



Deploying on a customer machine


You can use the API without incurring any dependency on Thread Validator.


If Thread Validator is not installed on the machine the software runs on, nothing will happen.


This allows you to add the Thread Validator API to your software without need to have a separate build for use with Thread Validator.



Loading the Profiler


For most use cases won't need to load the profiler, as the profiler will have been loaded when your launched your program from Thread Validator, or when you injected into your program using Inject or Wait For Application.


However if you're running your program from outside of Thread Validator and want to load the profiler from inside your program you can use tvLoadProfiler() to do that. You'll then need to call tvStartProfiler() to start it.



Starting the Profiler


To start the profiler from your API code you need to call the function tvStartProfiler() from your code before you call any API functions. Ideally you should call this function as early in your program as possible.


If you prefer to start the profiler from the user interface or command line you can omit the startProfiler() call. You can leave it present if you wish to start Thread Validator from your program.



Naming threads


You can name threads using the tvSetThreadNameA() and tvSetThreadNameW() functions.



Turning data collection on and off


You can turn data collection on and off using the tvSetCollect() function.
You can use tvGetCollect() to inspect the data collection status.