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Thread Validator Help

Navigation: Command Line Interface

Example Command Lines

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Typical command line examples


The following examples demonstrate a few different scenarios in which you might want to use Thread Validator via the command line.


To run 32 bit thread validator run C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Thread Validator x86\threadValidator.exe


To run 64 bit thread validator run C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Thread Validator x64\threadValidator_x64.exe



Example 1 - running a session and saving the results


This example starts the application, showing no progress dialog whilst attaching to the process.


On completion, the resulting session is saved, and some tabs are refreshed.


The last tab refreshed is displayed, resulting in the ActiveObjects tab being the current tab.


threadValidator_x64.exe -program "c:\myProgram.exe" -saveSession "c:\myResults\session1.tvm_x64" -displayUI -refreshSummary -refreshLocks -refreshActiveObjects


A brief explanation of each argument:








The target program to launch



After the application finishes, the session should be saved in this file


Show the user interface during the thread test


These tabs should be refreshed when the test completes





Example 2 - running a session and saving the results and exiting


This example starts the application, showing no progress dialog whilst attaching to the process.


On completion, the resulting session is saved, and Thread Validator exits.


threadValidator_x64.exe -program "c:\myProgram.exe" -saveSession "c:\myResults\session2.tvm_x64" -hideUI


A brief explanation of each argument:








The target program to launch



After the application finishes, the session should be saved in this file


Hide the user interface during the thread test and close the user interface after the test application finishes.



Example 3 - running a session and saving and exporting the results


This example starts the application, showing no progress dialog whilst attaching to the process.


On completion, the resulting session is saved, and some tabs are refreshed.


The last tab refreshed is displayed, resulting in the ActiveObjects tab being the current tab.


threadValidator_x64.exe -program "c:\myProgram.exe" -saveSession "c:\myResults\session3.tvm_x64" -exportAsHTML "c:\myResults\session3.html" -displayUI -refreshSummary -refreshLocks -refreshActiveObjects


A brief explanation of each argument:








The target program to launch



After the application finishes, the session should be saved in this file



After the application finishes, the exported data should be saved in this file


Show the user interface during the thread test


These tabs should be refreshed when the test completes

