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Navigation: Command Line Interface

Command Line Reference

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Command line reference


The following alphabetical list provides a convenient look-up for all the command line arguments used in automated regression testing.






Print command line help on the standard output.


Pass the remainder of the command line (after -allArgs) to the program being launched.


Pass command line arguments to the target program. Can be used multiple times.


Load a previously created session into Performance Validator to act as the baseline session against which other sessions are compared.


Points to a file specifying the class and function hook options.


Turn data collection on or off


Turn the collection of function timing on or off


Turn the collection of line timing on or off


Turn collection of stdout on or off


During session comparison choose whether to use the percentage of the parent's execution time or the total time as the comparator.






Control if the each of the function details are shown in an exported session comparison.



Obsolete and ignored if present.


Set the working directory in which the program is executed.


Force the Performance Validator user interface to be displayed during the test.


Points to a file listing the DLLs to be hooked for the test.


Never display dialog boxes in the target application that is being profiled.


Specify a runtime configuration option to the .Net runtime.


Specify if you are launching a self contained or framework dependent .Net Core application.


Environment variables for program, as a series of name/value pairs


Exports the session data as a HTML file containing a call graph or a call tree when Performance Validator has finished collecting data from the target program.


Export the session data as an HTML or XML file when Performance Validator has finished collecting data.


Specify the file encoding for the exported file


Set the description to be included the exported HTML/XML.


Set the minimum overall percentage contribution that a function must have in order to be included in a call tree or call graph export.


Specify a plain text file listing file locations to be used during testing. See the format of the file below.


Print command line help on the standard output.


Hide the Performance Validator user interface during the test.


Obsolete and ignored if present.


Set the numeric (decimal) id of a process for Performance Validator to attach to.


Set the name of the process for Performance Validator to attach to.


Hide the target application during the test.


Show the target application during the test.


Show the target application maximized and activated.


Show the target application minimized and activated.


Show the target application minimized and not active.


Show the target application at current size and position but not activated.


Show the target application at most recent size and position but not activated.


Show the target application at original size and position and activated.


Points to a previously saved settings file to be used for the test.


Specify the full file system path to a service to monitor, including any extension. The service is not started by Performance Validator but by an external means.


Obsolete and ignored if present.


Obsolete and ignored if present.


Set the number of sessions that can be loaded at once.


Obsolete and ignored if present


Specify the full file system path of the executable target program to be started by Performance Validator, including any extension.


Specify the .Net Core DLL that identifies the program being monitored. Use in conjunction with -programToMonitorEXE.



Changes which program the data is collected from but does not change which process Performance Validator initially launches.


Specify the nth invocation of the programToMonitor which is to have its data collected.


Automatically refresh the Analysis tab once a test is complete.


Automatically refresh the Call Tree tab once a test is complete.


Automatically refresh the Call Graph tab once a test is complete.


Automatically refresh the Statistics tab once a test is complete.


Save the session data when all data has finished being collecting from the target program.



Compare two sessions, producing an HTML or XML report detailing any performance regression and improvements.


Load a previously created session to be compared with the data from the session being recorded.


Environment variables for Performance Validator, as a series of name/value pairs


Points to a previously saved settings file to be used for the test.


Force errors to be displayed using a message box when running from the command line.


Points to a file specifying the source files to be hooked for the test.


Obsolete and ignored if present.


Set the percentage threshold to be used when performing session comparisons.


Name a .Net Core dll that identifies the process to wait for. Use in conjunction with -waitNameEXE.



Name a process that Performance Validator will wait for.


Specify how to hook Win32 API functions called from the target application.



To run 32 bit performance validator run C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Performance Validator x86\performanceValidator.exe


To run 64 bit performance validator run C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Performance Validator x64\performanceValidator_x64.exe