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.Net Snapshot Callstack Display Settings Dialog

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The Snapshot Callstack Display settings dialog allows you to control how data is displayed on the snapshot callstacks display.





Display Ordering


The callstacks in a snapshot can be sorted prior to display.


Allocation Order instructionStep the order objects were allocated in

Size instructionStep by the size of the allocation

Object Type instructionStep alphabetical comparison of object type

Filename instructionStep alphabetical comparison of filename

Namespace instructionStep alphabetical comparison of namespace

Address instructionStep the object id of each object



Making the data easier to understand


Some options affect how much data is shown. Displaying less data can sometimes make for a more readable display.


Display Style instructionStep determine which objects to display.


oFull instructionStep information about every allocation and error is displayed (unless filtered)

oSimplified - your source code at root instructionStep Only traces that have a callstack with your source code at the top of the callstack are displayed

oSimplified - your source code not at root instructionStep Only traces that have a callstack with your source code in the callstack (except for the top position) are displayed

oSimplified - your source code anywhere instructionStep Only traces that have a callstack with your source code anywhere in the callstack are displayed

oSimplified - compiler vendor source code at root instructionStep Only traces that have a callstack with your compiler vendor source code at the top of the callstack are displayed

oSimplified - compiler vendor source code not at root instructionStep Only traces that have a callstack with your compiler vendor source code in the callstack (except for the top position) are displayed

oSimplified - compiler vendor source code anywhere instructionStep Only traces that have a callstack with your compiler vendor source code anywhere in the callstack are displayed

oSimplified - no source code instructionStep Only traces that have a callstack with no source code are displayed


Callstack grouping instructionStep display all callstacks or just unique callstacks


oFull instructionStep every callstack is shown

oSimplified - Only show unique callstacks instructionStep Traces that share the same callstack are displayed once. A summary is shown indicating the number of allocations, how many bytes in those allocations and the size of the largest allocation.


Callstacks can be displayed in collapsed or expanded form:


Auto Expand instructionStep every callstack is displayed expanded so that you can see the callstack as well as the summary