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Memory Validator Help


Monitoring ISAPI


Monitoring ISAPI works for:


Native ISAPI extensions.


Native ISAPI


If you are working with native ISAPI you must use the NT Service API in your service as well as using the Monitor ISAPI method below.


To start monitoring ISAPI:


menu Launch menu instructionStep Services instructionStep Monitor IIS and ISAPI... instructionStep shows the Monitor ISAPI dialog below


Or use the shortcut


 b_f7  Monitor IIS and ISAPI



The monitor ISAPI dialog


Set the dll to monitor, the web root, the IIS process, an optional web browser to use and an optional url to launch, and click OK.




ISAPI DLL instructionStep type or Browse to set the ISAPI DLL that we're monitoring

IIS web instructionStep type or Browse to set the web root for the IIS website we're working with

IIS process to monitor instructionStep select the IIS process we're working with

Web Browser instructionStep select the web browser that you're going to use to load the web page

URL to open in browser instructionStep type the web page and arguments you want to load to cause the ISAPI to be loaded in IIS


OK instructionStep resets IIS, setups all the variables, copies DLLs and settings into the web root and starts the web browser to load the specified web page


menu IIS is a protected process and can only execute, read and write files in specific directories. That's why Memory Validator copies data to the web root so that it can be read, written or executed.



Data collection


Type of data collection instructionStep Are you only interested in Native data, .Net data or both Native data and .Net data?


Native Only instructionStep Ignore all .Net data in the target application.


.Net Only instructionStep Ignore all Native data in the target application.


Mixed Mode instructionStep Collect both Native and .Net data from the target application


This setting cannot be changed after the application is launched


Collect data from application instructionStep If it's the startup procedure you want to validate, obviously start collecting data from launch.


Depending on your application, and what you want to validate, you may want to start collecting data immediately, or do it later.


If your program has a complex start-up procedure, initialising lots of data, it may be much faster not to collect data until the program has launched.


seeAlsoSee the section on controlling data collection for how to turn collection on and off after launch.