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What does Exception Tracer do?

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Exception Tracer allows you to monitor all exceptions thrown by an application.


This can be very useful for monitoring and debugging exceptions that are thrown by an application that would be quite cumbersome and clumsy with a regular debugger. A regular debugger would insist on breaking into the debugger because an exception was thrown, which is useful for many, if not most scenarios. But sometimes you just want to watch what is happening so that you can view application behaviour in the whole and then drill down into the events that have been captured, and that is what Exception Tracer is for.


Exception Tracer includes an option to allow you to automatically single step the application, with varying levels of data collection, so that you can debug things like stack overflows which are often impossible to debug with a traditional debugger (which just shows you endless frames of recursing calls but can't show you the root of the callstack because it's not designed to show you callstacks that deep).


Exception Tracer can also create minidumps when exceptions occur and at process exit.


32 bit and 64 bit


32 bit and 64 bit applications are supported. On 64 bit Operating systems if a 64 bit executable is started by the 32 bit Exception Tracer, the 64 bit Exception Tracer is automatically started.




Exception Tracer has been an internal tool at Software Verify for many years. We recently decided to make it a bit more user friendly and to make it available for public use.