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Options to control what what minidumps contain and where they are stored



What data to save in a minidump


To save a standard minidump just specify this flag.




 Include just the information necessary to capture stack traces for all existing threads in a process.





To save a custom minidump specify one or more of these flags.


These flags add data to the minidump.


For a detailed explanation of these flags please consult Microsoft's Minidump documentation.




 Only minimal memory necessary to reconstruct a stack trace.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpFilterMemory:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpFilterMemory:Off




 Restrict module paths if important information present.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpFilterModulePaths:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpFilterModulePaths:Off




 Include filter triage data.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpFilterTriage:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpFilterTriage:Off




 Ignore memory errors when building the minidump.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory:Off




 Include AVX crash state context registers.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithAvxXStateContext:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithAvxXStateContext:Off




 Include the executable code sections from all loaded modules.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithCodeSegs:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithCodeSegs:Off




 Include the data sections from all loaded modules.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithDataSegs:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithDataSegs:Off




 Include data from 3rd party minidump providers.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState:Off




 Include all accessible memory in the process.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithFullMemory:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithFullMemory:Off




 Include memory region information.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo:Off




 Include information about operating system handles that are active.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithHandleData:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithHandleData:Off




 Include pages with data referenced by locals or other stack memory.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory:Off




 Include Intel Processor Trace data




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithIptTrace:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithIptTrace:Off




 Include module header data




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithModuleHeaders:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithModuleHeaders:Off




 Include memory with PAGE_READWRITE access in the minidump.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory:Off




 Include memory with PAGE_WRITECOPY status in the minidump.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory:Off




 Include process and thread information in the minidump.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithProcessThreadData:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithProcessThreadData:Off




 Include thread state information.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithThreadInfo:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithThreadInfo:Off




 Include security token information.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithTokenInformation:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithTokenInformation:Off




 The list of modules that were recently unloaded, if available.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithUnloadedModules:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithUnloadedModules:Off


These flags prevent data being added the minidump


For a detailed explanation of these flags please consult Microsoft's Minidump documentation.




 Scan inaccessible partial page data.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpScanInaccessiblePartialPages:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpScanInaccessiblePartialPages:Off




 Memory is scanned to see if modules are referenced.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpScanMemory:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpScanMemory:Off




 Don't include data from 3rd party minidump providers.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithoutAuxiliaryState:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithoutAuxiliaryState:Off




 Minimise the size of the minidump by excluding optional data.




 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithoutOptionalData:On

 Example: /flagMiniDumpWithoutOptionalData:Off



Where to store a minidump




 Specify the directory where minidumps will be written.


 /miniDumpDir directory-name


 Example: /miniDumpDir e:\my-minidumps

 Example: /miniDumpDir "e:\path with spaces in it\my-minidumps"



Minidump Name


Minidumps are named using a root name that is either specified or taken from the process name. The root name then has the date and time appended to it.


An example minidump name might be: "UnitTest442-20231129-113748.dmp" for a minidump created at 11:37:48 on 29 November 2023.


Note that this date and time format makes the minidumps naturally date and time ordered using their name.


The date is also unambiguous (unlike the conflict between DDMMYYYY (least significant date) and MMDDYYY (no significant order) used in USA and a few other countries).




 Specify the name to use for a minidump.


 /miniDumpName mini-dump name.


 Example: /miniDumpName "UnitTest48"




 When creating a minidump name use the process name without the path and without the file extension.


 For example a process named e:\test\mytest.exe would give a minidump name of "mytest".






 When creating a minidump name use the name specified with /miniDumpRootName.






 Specify the root name of a minidump that is used in conjunction with a specific minidump name.


 This option overwrites the name specified with /miniDumpName.


 /miniDumpRootName root-name


 Example: /miniDumpRootName "Test384"



Triggering a minidump




 A minidump is written when the process being monitored gets to ExitProcess().






 A minidump is written when exceptions are thrown.






 A minidump is written for first chance exceptions.




 Note that /miniDumpOnException must be set to On and the exception must match the exception filters.




 A minidump is written for second chance exceptions.




 Note that /miniDumpOnException must be set to On and the exception must match the exception filters.


 The default behaviour of Exception Tracer is as if /miniDumpOnExceptionUnhandledExceptions has been specified.




 A minidump is written for first chance exceptions and second chance exceptions.




 Note that /miniDumpOnException must be set to On and the exception must match the exception filters.




 A minidump is written when DLLs load and when DLLs unload.






 A minidump is written when threads are created and when threads exit.









 A minidump is written for every exception that is thrown, or minidumps are written if the exception matches the exceptions filter list


 /miniDumpAllExceptions:On        A minidump is written for every exception thrown

 /miniDumpAllExceptions:Off        A minidump is written if the exception matches the enabled exceptions in the exception filter list




 Add an exception to the exception filter list. This exception will be marked as enabled.


 /miniDumpAddExceptionFilter exception-code


         The exception code can be in decimal or hexadecimal (specify with a leading 0x).


 Example: /miniDumpAddExceptionFilter 0xC0000005




 The list of exceptions is cleared. Use this option prior to specifying your own list of filters with /miniDumpAddExceptionFilter.






 The list of exceptions is reset to the standard list of exceptions monitored by Exception Tracer.

